• A2 (420 x 594 mm) : THB 2,900.00

    A3 (297 x 420 mm) : THB 1,800.00

  • A2 (420 x 594 mm) : THB 4,150.00

    A3 (297 x 420 mm) : THB 2,720.00

  • Size : Front 2 cm. / Side 3 cm.


    Black / White / Silver / Oak Wood

Nothing’s Matter

Nutcha Charoennithi

Illustration / Digital Painting

"Nothing's Matter" is an exploration of personal sanctuary and self-acceptance, inviting the viewer into a space of unparalleled comfort and vibrant energy. Set against a deep black background, the artwork highlights a sunset window, drenched in radiant pink hues, symbolizing tranquility and warmth amidst the chaos of the outside world.

The diverse use of lines—wavy and geometric—adds dynamic movement and rhythm, reflecting the fluidity of thoughts and emotions within a cozy space. This interplay of vibrant colors and varied line styles evokes a sense of relaxation and playful energy, inviting viewers to embrace the joy of solitude and self-discovery.




"Nature lies beyond this rusty fence, 2024" (A2)